
Friday, 28 June 2019

Joan Wiffen Joan wiffen was born on the 4th of february 1922.Joan wiffen died on the 30th of february 2009.Joan wiffen is famous because in 1957 she found the first fossil bone near Te Hao river.She found a theropods claw,Tail bone,Wing bone,another tailbone from an ankylosaur in manga hounga stream.

pictures of fossils and mary anning

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Matariki celebration

Martriki is a maori New year when families and whanaus come together for a big kai and  for big walks to welcome and thank the people that past away.Matariki are 7 sisters in the sky called you will see in the picture Above.Martiriki  is a time for people to get together and have fun.Martiriki is a time to get together and watch the stars.Image result for light in the sky

The End i hope you enjoyed and learned something about matarikiImage result for matariki stars

Friday, 21 June 2019

compering the T-rex and the titanoboa

The T-rex was once the top of the food chain and the titanoboa was also once top of the food chain.They both are not vegetarians they are both carnivals.They are both now extinct/dead and they look very scary when they were alive.they were both very vicious and mean.

Lynch facts about the titanoboa

Where did it happen it happened in colombia.What did they find they found the titanoboa bone covered in rainforest it was covered in rainforest because it was very warm in colombia and the rainforest grow.One more cool fact is that when dinosaurs were alive the T-rex was the top of the food chain and when the dinosaurs died the titanoboa became the top of the food chain.The titanoboa went on land and in water the titanoboa went in the water the most because on land it is very hard for it to move because it is very harvey and in the water is very lite.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

All About Fossils


Fossils are dead animals or plants.They are usually skeletons found embedded in rock.sometimes fossils are footprints or poop.

Small animals or insects get stuck in tree sap which hardens and traps them forever.Large animals can get stuck in ice or their carcass gets trapped in layers of rock.Over thousands of years,pressure builds up and the skeleton is dissolved by water under the ground.Next the mould left is filled with minerals that from rock.This rock shape is the fossil - an exact replica of the dinosaurs.This process tacks 10,000 years.Palaeontologists find fossils when the top layers of dirt washes away.


Means dead body


Means disappears


Means erode


Is a country


Means weather


Means critical , important , necessary


Means people who study dinosaurs

Means something you get from your ancestors


Means change


Means change over time

By : Lynch